- Until this decade glass had remained a subservient position in the interplay of structural forces and its underlying contrast with the masonry of the walls.
- However, now it is possible to have and independent wall of glass, a skin of glass around a building. In fact, glass now occupies nearly eighty percent of the commercial spaces.
- It is a matter of fact that neither any Colleges nor any Architects, Interior Designers, Civil Engineers or Product Designers have detailed information for glass, designed glass and procedures of designing on glass.
- Also we found said personalities with lack of knowledge for advantages & disadvantages of different glasses with their applications.
- All other subjects like flooring, furnishing materials, wood, cement, bricks, steel etc which are useful for interior and exterior design have been covered by the colleges or by personal efforts. But- “No choice at Glass”. One has to depend on either the trader or the retailer due to deficiency of knowledge about different glasses & various designs with different glass.
So we have decided to do our best for national universities, colleges & designing colleges by educating their students for glass & different procedures on glass.